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Survey shows: Florida residents like their HOAs and homeowners associations
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Survey shows: Florida residents like their HOAs and homeowners associations

Homeowners associations and local governments can have a lot of influence in Florida with their agreements and housing regulations. They can influence city councils and county commissions and can often come into conflict with their own residents. That is why National Research Company of the Tyson Group conducted a unique survey of people living in the Sunshine State under the supervision of HOAs and homeowners associations.

Tyson Group researchers found that many residents who live under the bylaws and regulations of these councils generally like the boards and their policies. However, those same residents say they are conflicted about the councils, seeing them as a reason for skyrocketing housing costs.

“Despite the generally rising cost of home ownership, Floridians are positive about living in their residential communities,” said Derek Falcon, of Tallahassee-based Tyson Group. “But Florida homeowners primarily blame excessive regulation by the state legislature for these rising costs – and that will influence their decision in November.”

The Tyson Group conducted online surveys of approximately 550 members of homeowners associations who identified themselves as condominium associations from July 24 to 26. About 69% of respondents were members of homeowners associations, another 15% were members of condominium associations, and 16% belonged to both groups, meaning they owned rental properties in both types of housing complexes.

65% of respondents said they were satisfied with the governing bodies of their housing communities. Another 59% said these housing communities were worth the additional community fees charged for their projects. The majority of respondents paid between $99 and $499 per month for community fees.

68% of respondents said that they believed the monthly fees and rules set by homeowners associations improved the quality of life in their communities.

However, housing costs continue to rise and a majority of 86% of survey respondents say these rising costs are getting out of control. Within this sample, 29% of respondents blame government regulations for these rising costs. Another 25% blame insurance companies and 19% blame housing companies.

“This should be a wake-up call for lawmakers,” said Mark AndersonManaging Director for Chief Executive Officers of Management Companies (CEOMC)an industry trade group that manages community associations of more than 6.5 million Floridians. “This poll shows that Floridians like their condos and HOAs, oppose the over-regulation that has raised their cost of living and will vote for candidates in November who agree with them. The simple solution is for lawmakers to listen to homeowners, keep what works and throw out impractical, overreaching laws.”

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