Submitted story and photo
The Ruston Duplicate Bridge Club (RDBC) hosted a fundraiser to raise money for pancreatic cancer research on August 15 at the Presbyterian Church of Ruston.
The event was to honor Betty Sheeler, one of the group’s most beloved members, who lives with pancreatic cancer with tremendous grace and courage.
The RDBC event raised $4,767 for the Lustgarten Foundation, which funds pancreatic cancer research.
Bridge is like a gym for the brain: Studies have shown that playing strategy games like bridge can help keep the brain healthy.
The RDBC invites all Duplicate Bridge players to join us on the first, third and fifth Thursday of each month at the Presbyterian Church of Ruston. Check-in begins at 12:30pm and play begins at 1pm. The card fee is $5 and you must register no later than the day before play.
The RDBC is an open game, so players from other cities are welcome. If you would like to join, please leave a message for Judith Howard at (318) 243-5146 and she will sign you up.
This is an ACBL sanctioned game, which means championship points are awarded, but most people play just for fun and camaraderie. All are welcome.