PEEC invites the community to celebrate the Bear Festival with “The Bear Necessities Of New Mexico” at the Nature Center
FFamilies and nature lovers are invited to attend a special presentation entitled “The Bear Needs of New Mexico” on Thursday at the Los Alamos Nature Center.Photo by Rick Wallace
PEEC News:
As part of the Bear Festival, the Pajarito Environmental Education Center (PEEC) invites families and nature lovers to a special presentation entitled “The Needs of New Mexico Bears” on Thursday, August 15, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Los Alamos Nature Center.
Led by naturalist Christie Collins, this event celebrates New Mexico’s elusive state mammal, the black bear, and promises a fun and educational experience.
Participants will learn about the black bear’s important role in the ecosystem, how it feeds on native plants, and how to recognize signs of its presence. Through an engaging presentation and hands-on activities, participants will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for these important creatures.
PEEC guest speaker Collins has 15 years of experience in environmental education. She recently moved to Santa Fe from Miami, Florida, where she worked as a naturalist at a sea turtle rehabilitation facility/nature center. There she supervised public programs, camps, volunteer training, and renovated a 9,000-square-foot native plant garden.
She originally earned a Bachelor of Science in business administration and marketing before deciding to follow her passion for nature and conservation. She started as a volunteer naturalist for the Missouri Department of Conservation before becoming a Master Naturalist. Collins earned a Bachelor of Science in biology, wildlife and conservation and then took a position as a naturalist for the Missouri Department of Conservation. She was also a naturalist at the Ijams Nature Center in Knoxville, Tennessee. In 2019, she received her Master of Science in parks, recreation and tourism management with a concentration in park conservation and land management.
Collins has experience teaching prairies, karst, diverse forests, coastal and marine habitats. She is excited to explore the beauty and unique characteristics of Santa Fe’s ecosystems. In her free time, she enjoys macro photography Her favorite subjects are insects and spiders. She spends her time hiking, canoeing and camping with her husband and two dogs.
For more information, see Stay tuned on social media to stay updated on weekly activities.
About PEEC:
PEEC was founded in 2000 to serve the Los Alamos community, providing people of all ages with an opportunity to enrich their lives by strengthening their connection to our canyons, mesas, mountains and skies. PEEC operates the Los Alamos Nature Center at 2600 Canyon Road, hosts regular programs and events, and hosts several interest groups, from birdwatching to hiking to butterfly watching. PEEC activities are open to all; however, members receive exclusive benefits such as discounts on programs and souvenir items. Annual memberships start at $35. For more information, visit