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New Mexico residents must reapply to qualify for SNAP food and TANF cash assistance • Source New Mexico
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New Mexico residents must reapply to qualify for SNAP food and TANF cash assistance • Source New Mexico

Anyone who is eligible for public food or cash assistance must schedule time for an interview if they want to extend their benefits.

Starting September 1, the New Mexico Health Care Authority will require Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients to complete an in-person or telephone interview to continue receiving assistance from the state food program.

The same applies to financial support under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, which is designed to help New Mexico residents cover transportation and school costs as well as pay for utilities.

According to a 2023 report by the Legislative Finance Committee, more than 60 percent of people in the state that qualifies for the cash assistance program.

About 25% of the state receives SNAP benefits, the highest rate in the country.

A month later, on October 1, anyone who wants to start a new application process for the cash or food assistance programs will also have to complete an interview.

These changes are due in part to an exemption lifted by the federal government, according to the New Mexico Health Care Authority.

Advocates call for permanent, expanded SNAP activities

People were able to renew their benefits or apply for new ones without attending an interview, helping under protective measures while the U.S. government was still declaring a public health emergency because of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

The health authority said recipients of food or cash assistance should receive a text message or letter in the mail 45 days before the required extension and appointment.

Interviews can be conducted by telephone or at any time Office of the Income Support Department in the state.

Anyone can now check the status of their SNAP by visiting their benefits Page online or at a local office. The health authority said people can also call 1-800-283-4465 to schedule an interview, check status or even apply for new benefits.

The telephone line should be manned Monday to Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.

The government must provide interpreters for non-English speakers.

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