

Sharpen your edge

Does Trump really care about you or this country?
News Update

Does Trump really care about you or this country?

Recently, 16 people, including two Americans, were released from Russian prisons after serving their sentences, despite facing only dubious charges. Negotiations for the release of these individuals were geared toward diplomatic relations between the Biden administration, other countries, and Russia – and had been ongoing for quite some time. Their release sparked jubilation around the world.

And how did Donald Trump react? He ranted that our negotiators were “a disgrace” and boasted that he could have freed the hostages “without giving up anything.” What he didn’t say, however, was that he was happy that they were finally free.

When a mentally disturbed person attempted to assassinate Trump a few weeks ago, Trump reacted with anger at the FBI for claiming that he was hit by shrapnel from a teleprompter that had been hit by a bullet, rather than by a bullet itself.

What he did not do, however, was express his sympathy for the seriously injured and the dead.

So I want to ask everyone who has expressed their support for Trump this question: Do you really believe Trump cares about you or this country? Or does he just care about himself?

Sheldon E. James, Montgomery


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